
How To Get Lots Of Precum

Precum is a articulate fluid that comes out of the penis during arousal but before climax (orgasm). While this fluid is a lubricant and doesn't contain sperm, there may already be sperm in the urethra that mixes with precum.

If precum is released into the vagina, there's a take chances of pregnancy before ejaculation.

Also Known As

  • Pre-ejaculate
  • Pre-seminal fluid
  • Cowper'south fluid

Precum looks like to semen—the white fluid that comes out of the penis during an orgasm. In addition to reducing friction during intercourse, precum makes it easier for sperm to leave the body.

This article will go over what precum is and its function. It discusses how much precum is normal and the chance of getting pregnant from precum.

Wearing a condom can reduce risks from precum and semen

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What Is Precum?

Precum is ane of several sexual fluids fabricated past the body of someone with a penis. The about mutual fluid is semen, which contains sperm. When a person with a penis orgasms, the fluid (ejaculate) is released from the penis.

The term "precum" makes sense considering this fluid is released before semen. Precum is made in the Cowper's glands. This pair of pea-sized glands are behind the penis on the inside of the body. They're about half an inch in bore and connected to the urethra by ducts.

While semen has sperm in information technology, precum unremarkably does non. It'south mostly fabricated up of nutrients and other substances that assist keep semen healthy. Even though precum isn't made to have sperm in it, the sperm can contaminate the fluid equally information technology'south leaving the torso.

What Does Precum Practise?

Sperm cells can be killed by the pH in urine. Since ejaculate and urine exit the torso through the aforementioned tube, it's possible that sperm tin exist afflicted by the acidity level.

Pre-ejaculate is an alkaline mucus. That means it can neutralize acidity in the urethra, which clears the mode for sperm to travel through information technology safely.

Precum is also a natural lubricant for sexual intercourse. It'southward similar to the fluid that's secreted by people with a vagina when they are angry.

How Much Precum Is Normal?

The corporeality of precum that a person produces varies. In that location's no "normal" or "abnormal" amount of precum.

A person does not control how much precum is released or when it comes out. On boilerplate, nearly people leak up to 4 milliliters (ml) of fluid. Most people don't notice when precum is released.

Tin can You Get Pregnant From Precum?

The chances of getting meaning from precum are depression, only it'due south not incommunicable. If precum comes in contact with the outside of the vulva, pregnancy is non likely to happen—just it could.

Sperm are produced in the testes. The trunk as well makes a food-rich fluid (seminal fluid) that helps sperm move.

Precum is fabricated in the Cowper's glands. Information technology usually does not have live sperm in it. Withal, studies take found that if a person has intercourse after a recent sexual encounter, precum can mix with sperm that was left backside in the urethra (cross-contagion).

In i study, 41% of people had precum that contained sperm that were moving, which suggested they would be capable of reaching a partner's Fallopian tubes and possibly fertilizing an egg.

The power of sperm to become picked up by precum is why withdrawal ("the pull-out method") is non a reliable way to prevent pregnancy. A 2017 study establish the withdrawal method had a xx% failure rate (compared to thirteen% for condoms and half dozen% for hormonal birth control).

What to Practice If Y'all're Worried About Pregnancy from Precum

If you think you were exposed to precum and are concerned about pregnancy, know that it takes a fertilized egg (embryo) takes 10 days to implant into the uterus. You may desire to take a pregnancy test around that time, peculiarly if your period is tardily.

If you had sex without protection and are concerned about pregnancy from precum, y'all may want to use emergency contraception, such equally:

  • The morning-after pill (Plan B): Y'all can buy this form of emergency birth command without a prescription. It's available at pharmacies and online. Plan B is most effective at preventing pregnancy if you take it within iii days of having unprotected sex activity.
  • The ella pill: This type of emergency contraception works better than Program B if you take it within five days of having unprotected sexual activity, only you need a prescription from a healthcare provider.
  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs): Paraguard, Mirena, and Liletta can be implanted within v days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The IUDs can then be left in place every bit long-term reversible contraception (IUDs last from seven to 10 years before needing to be replaced).

Can Precum Transmit STIs?

Precum can also acquit bacteria, viruses, and organisms that crusade sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

To protect yourself, apply a safe for whatever sexual contact with a penis and get screened for STIs regularly.

STIs don't ever cause symptoms. Yet, encounter your provider if you take green or yellow penile or vaginal discharge and symptoms like hurting and itching, as these can be signs of an STI.


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can be spread through blood, vaginal fluid, breast milk, semen, and precum.

If you're having any form of sexual activity with a partner who is HIV-positive, protect yourself by wearing condoms and taking Truvada (pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP). This drug reduces the risk of HIV transmission by 44%.

If you have unprotected sex activity, go tested regularly for HIV. It'due south also important to know the sign and symptoms of HIV, which include fever, chills, headache, sore throat, fatigue, articulation hurting, swollen lymph nodes, and rima oris ulcers.


Chlamydia is the well-nigh common STI in the The states. The leaner that crusade it can live in vaginal fluid, semen, and precum.

Many people do not have symptoms of chlamydia. When symptoms practice occur, they include vaginal or penile discharge, itching, called-for, pain during sex, and painful urination.

Chlamydia tin be treated with antibiotics, but the merely wait to detect out if you take it is to be diagnosed by a provider.


Gonorrhea is some other common bacterial infection that can be transmitted through semen, vaginal fluid, and precum.

People with gonorrhea don't e'er have symptoms. However, yellow vaginal or penile discharge; itching, called-for, redness, or pain during sex or urination, can be symptoms of gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics, only yous'll need to see a provider to get tested for it.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a highly infectious virus that affects the liver. It is the only strain of hepatitis that can exist transmitted through precum.

Symptoms of hepatitis B typically prove up a few months after transmission and include articulation pain, fever, nausea, fatigue, weakness, and jaundice.

If you think y'all might take hepatitis B, meet your provider. Hepatitis B can be treated but there is no cure. Most cases clear up in a few months. If not, there are besides medications that can slow down liver damage from hepatitis B.

You can likewise get vaccinated against hepatitis B to protect yourself.


Precum plays a key role in arousal during sexual intercourse. Past neutralizing acid and lubricating the urethra, precum makes it easier for semen to go out the body during orgasm.

Precum normally doesn't contain sperm, but information technology can selection up leftover sperm in the urethra. Information technology can also carry organisms that cause sexually transmitted infections. If a potential pregnancy is a concern, utilise contraception whenever you accept sex—fifty-fifty if there is no ejaculation.

A Word From Verywell

Precum is not the same every bit ejaculate, simply it nonetheless carries risks. Utilise condoms to prevent STIs and other forms of birth control to minimize the risk of pregnancy. It'southward besides important to accept an open up and honest conversation with your partner(s) well-nigh their sexual and testing history. While information technology's best for this chat to happen earlier a sexual encounter, it's never too tardily.

Oftentimes Asked Questions

  • Can precum crusade pregnancy?

    Precum can cause a person to get pregnant, just the chances are low. It ordinarily does not comprise sperm; nevertheless, precum tin can pick up live sperm that'due south left over from an earlier ejaculation, which could potentially fertilize an egg.

  • What is precum caused by?

    Precum is an involuntary response to sexual arousal before an orgasm. It lubricates the urethra of the penis and neutralizes acrid to arrive safer for sperm to travel through.

  • How exercise you know if precum happened?

    Y'all or your partner may not notice precum—it's easy non to feel the niggling bit of wetness at the tip of the penis from precum during sex. A person with a penis can't control precum and there's no manner to tell if information technology has sperm in it.


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